Friday, April 11, 2014

A to Z Challenge G Good Books

G...Good Books  aka Books that have touched me or won't leave me

I guess the first of these would have to be

*The Host by Stephenie Meyer

The Characters from this book are still with me, I still wish & hope for a 2nd book, I know a lot of people thinks she just writes fluff but this book, it's story line & her characters still reside in my soul & always will.

*The Velvet Room by Zilpha Snyder was the first book I can remember reading that hit me hard & made me want to live at the library devouring every book in sight. I've probably read this book 10 times over the course of my life & will likely read it 10 more before it's all said & done. I just loved the imagery in this book & related to the main character as any angst ridden preteen or teenage girl would. For library lovers, there is a special treat in this book....check it out, literally! GO CHECK IT OUT!

*I know this one will be an eye-roller for some of you, but I ADORE The Harry Potter Series.
I was a late bloomer on this one, only read them a few months ago but became completely engrossed in the characters lives, traits & story lines. I fell in love with them. I thought I loved the movies but that was NOTHING compared to the connection I felt to the characters while reading the books.
I read them at the urging of my youngest daughter. She is a die-hard Potter-Head...she loves ALL THINGS Potter & thinks that those who don't appreciate Potter should not be allowed to breathe on this planet. I am no where near that intense about it BUT I do love to read what she does so that we can discuss the books.

If you have never read these books, whatever the reason, give them a chance. Take some time off from real life & lose yourself in a little magic & love & join Dumbledore's Army, if only for a while.

*This was my first "grownup book" even though I was far from being grown.
Stephen King's The Stand
It scared me, it thrilled me, it kept me from sleeping & made me an obsessive (just one more chapter) reader. I still love this book & because of it am a HUGE fan of Post-Apocalyptic Fiction, it remains my favorite genre (closely  followed by Dystopian Fiction)

I am thinking of getting this for my 14 yr old daughter, that's how old I was when I read it & she's far more intelligent & well read than I was at that age....I think it's time she met Mr. King.....after all, Mommy's bedroom is just across the hall if it gets to be too much bwaa haa haa

*As I'm sure you've picked up on...I, an old lady, do love YA fiction.....sue me, shoot me...I don't care, I love it.
So, here's one more for that genre....
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
This man is a genius & his quotes make my heart swell  <3

I first read this series when I was about our sunroom in our house in Florida we had an antique wardrobe that used to belong to my Great Granny. My Mom would let me borrow Dad's flashlight & sit in the wardrobe reading my Narnia books & I would drift away to fantasy land. If there is any better place to visit Narnia than from your Granny's wardrobe I sure can't think of it. C.S. Lewis in my opinion is so gifted a writer that to even try to describe him or his style is to fail before beginning. I just adore him, his works, his love of God, his love of people & children but most of all his Chronicles of Narnia where one can get lost in good vs evil, right vs wrong, love, battles, fantastical creatures & never ending imagination......this one, ladies & gentlemen is the one to share with those young readers within whose hearts & minds you want to cultivate a love of reading.
Take my advice, I'm right!

When is the last time you gave someone a book? Too long? it now, bless someone with a trip away from reality between the pages of a'll be glad you did.

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