Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cassie's ~A~Z Challenge....A...Bands That Rock!, I'm going to start out this lovely little blog experiment by doing an A-Z challenge. I'm new to blogging, new to letting others read the disturbing chaos that goes on my silly little head as well, so be patient with me.
I'll have to play catch up since I didn't begin on April 1st but here is my random ~A~ post:

~Aerosmith~ and ~AC/DC~:
To some people these may just be some old rock bands with a few songs they liked back in the day. But when I hear certain tunes by Aerosmith or AC/DC I can literally smell the orange blossoms blooming  in the groves in Plant City, Florida. I feel the cool wet black soil beneath my bare feet as I walked through those groves with my beat up old boom box propped on my shoulder. Ya know, all the cool kids had a boom box back in '82!
     Jammin' to "Dream On", "Sweet Emotion", "Back in Black" & of course "Shook Me All Night Long". Lordy, if only I really knew the meaning behind that one! These songs take me back to climbing trees with my friends, roller skating to the park, with the sole purpose of getting there while it was still light enough to be seen "skate-dancing" by the cool older guys with cars. Cause, honey, you KNOW we had it going on. (ok, not really, we were still wearing bell-bottoms, a few yrs after they were over, we were flat chested & wouldn't have known what to do if they did  look our way. Had Mr. Chevelle or Mr. Camaro ever approached us we'd have peed all the way down into our Rainbow Bright toe socks!)
    BUT, besides just reminding me of those hot older guys with cars, this music touches my soul. It takes me back to a time when everything was new. Every single thing we did, said, felt, touched, tasted was new & fresh & would never happen again. You just can't compete with that stuff. To this day, when I hear "Back in Black" on the radio (or my shower playlist) I can't help thinking I'm way cooler than I really am, imagining someone is watching me shake my groove thing & liking it! I'm back in Plant City, strolling through the orange grove, rockin' out & pretending my friends & I are just THE COOLEST things on the planet. It's a great feeling, it usually only lasts 3-5 minutes. But for those 3-5 minutes I rule the world baby.

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