Friday, April 11, 2014

A to Z Challenge H HOME

This post is about what HOME is to me:
This picture was taken at one of my favorite hiking spots....not too far from my house.
I am so blessed to live in a place as beautiful as North Alabama. The people, the land, the scenery, the honeysuckle in the spring, the swimming in the summer, the leaves in the fall ....all are home to me.
Many of my family are here, most of my friends are here...this is where I've always considered home, although I've lived many other places. No other state can compete with the beauty here.
Home is where I'm accepted for who I am, encouraged to be more than I already am but never judged for not quite getting there yet.
Home is where my favorite Uncle always has time for me, like no dad or stepdad ever did...where my husband & kids are always there to listen, hug, love & forgive when I screw up.
It's where my best friend has always lived, always loved me & will always be my best friend no matter what.
Alabama is more than just a state, it's a state of mind...& I'm so blessed to call this place mine :D
Here are just a few pics to show you why Alabama is where I lay my head:


And here is an article that accurately describes the people of Lawrence County....yes, we have a few bad apples but for the most part, people are as described in this article by Mrs. Loretta Gillespie, if you enjoyed the article please let her know. She's a talented writer in our area & all credit for the article goes to her. Please click the link below for the full article:

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