Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A to Z Challenge M A. A. Milne

A. A. Milne

     To say that I love A. A. Milne & Winnie the Pooh is quite an understatement. Adore, admire, respect & of course, I look longingly at the picture above, wishing I were his child, sitting on his knee, being read these wonderful tales. (is that creepy? oh well, I really don't care) Besides he didn't really read these stories to Christopher, did he? That's another story that only true Milne fanatics are likely to know. Christopher Robin only heard most of the Pooh stories some 60 yrs after they were published. Odd, isn't it?
    His Winnie the Pooh character & stories conjure up images of childhood that nothing else can compare to. Curled up on my Mom's lap, listening to her read to me, then, later, rocking my own children on the front porch, reading these same stories to them. Those sweet stories that no child seems to tire of hearing, that parents hardly get tired of repeating...& repeating. And I think knowing that he wrote the Pooh stories for his wife & child (Christopher Robin, of course) makes the stories all the sweeter. The family love behind it all makes it that much more sentimental for me. Did I mention I have a child named after a Milne character...no, I won't tell you her name, I'll just let you wonder. ;) Rotten, I know, but that's how I roll.
     A. A. Milne's Hundred Acre Wood is full of images we all know & love & I for one could still spend hours there. One of the greatest joys I have as a Mawmaw is sharing these stories with my grandbabies. No character is as cute & cuddly as the tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff. He's precious, his friendships run deep & there are little lessons in the stories that will live on within all who hear or read them.
     Do yourself a favor, take a few minutes & forget your age. Pick up a Milne book & let the stress of the world melt away for awhile. Be innocent again, then share that story with a little one & watch the amazement in their eyes, you'll be glad you did.
     Now, I must prepare to go out & about on this oh so blustery day. But first I'll share my favorite "Pooh" quote, it's become a "thing" between my daughter & I:

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